Author Archives: SEO

Website Development Trade Secrets and Hacks

Website Development Trade Secrets and Hacks

Website development is a diverse field presenting umpteen opportunities for improvisations. As a web developer grows his or her skills, the design process becomes easier, more organized, and further effective. It’s a dynamic field, constantly evolving, and a web developer ought to stay on top of the game.

Whether you are designing on WordPress, or by plain HTML coding, use design hacks to get the job done faster and more effectively. The tips mentioned below are aimed to optimize a website’s functionality for the best, whether in WP or any other platform.

Don’t use standard templates

Wordpress is open-source platform with a wide range of free templates.  The same is applicable for other platforms such as Wix. While using Wix templates or WP templates, is not necessarily a bad idea, keep in mind that they are often overused.  In the battle to get page views, the last thing you will want is a doppelganger website.

Free templates may contain bugs

As the old adage stands, you get what you pay for. As it is, standard templates may contain bugs. Besides, these drastically reduce the ability to customize themes since you would have to make do with limited features.  

Get custom templates designed

The best way to go about it is to develop custom themes. It will take some time to finalize the design, but it is always worth it. You can always take inspiration from the range of themes available, but at the end of the day, make sure it’s original. You can do it yourself or hire a web designer. Hiring a good service always pays off because you typically get free customer support and theme maintenance whenever required.

Experiment with CTAs

Call-To-Actions are critical in assuring a high conversion rate. While text-only CTAs are but traditional, you can improve upon the appeal by experimenting with this aspect. You guessed it, using button CTAs tend to work better than text-only ones.

Use Creative Wording

Level up your content game by becoming creative with CTAs. Although it would typically consist of only two to three words, it should reflect the visitor’s psychology aptly.

Use Animated CTAs

Using animated CTAs can also help you get the reader’s attention better. Just make sure not to use it when it is irrelevant. The site’s content should be peppy and vibrant to tally really with the appeal of an animated call to action.

A Case for Images

Enhancing the visual experience of design layouts goes a long way in increasing its acceptance among users. There’s a lot of scope for improvement with images. To start with, use high-quality visuals. Dig deep into those stock photos to grab the best images, ones that make strong statements concurrent with the rest of your content. Obviously, you can also hire a talented graphic designer or a photographer to produce unique images. Here are a few other tips on maximizing the potential of images on a website.

Use Alt-Tag for SEO

Alt tags or Alternative texts are brief textual representations that appear when an image fails to load. These have a vital role in retaining user interest. The most important benefit of Alt Tags is that search engine algorithms find them as credible parameters to rank your website.

Display an Error Message

Use a CSS snippet to display an error message if the image fails to load for some reason.

Use Title Tags

Although title tags are invisible to the end-user, they are instrumental in boosting your SEO.

Reduce Image Size

Don’t forget to reduce the image size to ensure that your site loads fast. You can put to use several image compression tools found online.

Use Images to Create Negative Space

Another use of images is to use it to break chunks of text and therefore create scope for negative space on your page.

Try Using Images of Different Shapes

Gone are those days when you needed to use only rectangular images. These days, tools like Bootstrap allow you to use images of different sizes.

Use Image Filters

You can also use the image filter attributes like grayscale or blur in CSS. These allow developers a subtle opportunity to get creative whenever it’s applicable.   

Improve Your Site’s Navigation

A site’s navigation is probably the most obvious aspect of it, but it can get overlooked. Remember that it has a crucial role in helping visitors to find what they need. Having well-organized navigation also helps with your site’s SEO. Here are a few design hacks that you can implement with the navigation of your web page.

Have Fewer Choices

Keep the navigation as uncluttered as you can. This has been shown to have a key role in improving visitor experience and reduce bounce rates.

Place it in the Header

Navigation bars placed in headers are shown to have a better effect than those placed on the side or in the footer. Use the hamburger menu only when you are making a responsive website.

Make Everything Click

Make all elements in the navigation clickable.

Use Simple Words

Use easy-to-understand wording in the navigation.

Use Mega Menus

It is always challenging to design navigation bars for e-commerce websites. Mega menus are ideal because they allow the display of many choices in a two-dimensional dropdown layout. Here are a few other tips while designing the navigation for e-commerce.

Include a Search Bar

Again, while coding the navigation for e-commerce websites, don’t forget to include a prominent search bar right in the header section.

Use the Hover Option

Consider using the hover option to introduce visitors to the sub-categories. This piques their interest and inspires people to look deeper.

Don’t Overload Your Site with Plugins

With so many plugin options on WP, developers are often tempted to go over the top with them. Remember to use your discretion. Use only those plugins that will make a positive difference to your site’s UX.


The key differences between a successful website and an unsuccessful one are that the former is both user-friendly and SEO friendly. Employing the above design hacks should definitely help your website deliver better performance. Besides these, you should also take note of web hosting best practices and always make sure that you are having a responsive website.

11 Benefits of Hashtags

11 Benefits of Hashtags


Nowadays, the hashtag is much more than just the pound key on your phone; it has become an indispensable content marketing and eMarketing strategy and social media tool for categorizing posts and making content easily searchable. By using the right hashtags, your business can be more visible on social media and encourage audiences to join in on the conversation. Hashtags gained popularity over microblog sites first and were soon supported by many well-known social networking sites, including Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.

11 Benefits of Hashtag

By using hashtags, small and large businesses alike can benefit from the popularity of these social media platforms. A hashtag can be incredibly valuable if it is used strategically. You can use them to expose your content to more people, raise brand awareness, target a specific group of people, boost your search traffic optimization tool, and use trending topics and hot topics to your advantage, among other things. The following list will show 11 benefits of using hashtags.

1. Hashtags are Great for Promoting Your Business

The use of hashtags allows your audience to take part in your conversations. Your social media followers will be able to follow what’s happening in real-time when you establish a hashtag for a promotion or event. To be effective with hashtags, you should use them moderately. In your posts and updates, you will not need to include them all. You should also avoid using long hashtags.

2. Hashtags Encourage Audience Engagement

By using hashtags, you can open up conversations for your audience depending on which social platform you are using. At the time of deciding which hashtags to use, you should keep in mind that hashtags are used differently on each platform. For example, hashtags that are used on Instagram are likely to describe the picture and video content more than anything else. Other social media platforms, such as Twitter, have hashtags that are focused on a certain topic or group of people that you want to engage.

Use Appropriate and Specific Hashtags for Each Platform

If you are using hashtags on different platforms, make sure you use them appropriately. In most cases, you will be given guidelines for picking and using the appropriate social media platform. When you use the most relevant and popular hashtags on each platform for your business and events, you will be able to reach more people. In addition, by using the paid search campaigns, you will target your audience better and improve the conversions rate of your social media account. Target audiences usually result in more engagement.

3. Hashtags Make Searching More Efficient

The use of hashtags can greatly simplify the process of finding relevant posts as well as specific posts. Search results will be constantly updated when hashtags are popular. Social media platforms and search engines make hashtags more visible when you optimize conversations, content, and updates. Using hashtags is an effective way to search for content and people who are speaking about specific topics.

4. Hashtags Make It Easier To Find You

You will be able to conduct more efficient searches with hashtags, as mentioned earlier. When someone searches for you or what you offer, they do the same. Your audience can use hashtags to search and discover what your business offers across multiple platforms. Twitter and Instagram both have hashtag search options. People who are interested in your services, as well as existing customers, can use hashtags to search for information and posts about you.

5. Hashtags Attract More Followers

The use of hashtags on some social networks, such as Instagram, will help you reach more people, and this will almost always lead to more followers. This can be used as a lead generation strategy for your social media account. Your business becomes more visible when you have more followers. The use of hashtags is more helpful on other platforms for representing the topic of a post and helping users to find related content more quickly.

6. Hashtags Help You to Establish Relationships with Followers

Establishing relationships with your followers can be done in a unique way by using hashtags. People love sharing important moments, events, and purchases through hashtags. They can help you make the most of these social media practices. This enables the opportunity for real customer engagement and more exposure for you. Creating relationships with your followers is possible since people enjoy posting, and you want your followers to be engaged.

7. Hashtags are Great for Cross Promotion

As soon as you understand which hashtags are best suited to your business or event, you are likely to use them across multiple platforms. These hashtags are consistently used across different platforms to create multiple conversations. You will gain more exposure and engage more customers with this.

8. Customers Can Easily Give Their Input

Customer feedback will have a tremendous impact on your reputation and business methods. By using social media platforms, you have direct access to the opinions and ideas of your customers. Additionally, they give you an idea of what is hot and trending on the social media platforms that you may have missed otherwise. Hashtags also help you to gather customer feedback and encourage customer engagement, as you can easily find the reaction of the customers about events, promotions, and properties by using hashtags.

9. Hashtags for Photo Content Description

A great photo is the best way of advertisement for selling any product or offering any service. It is important to reach as many people as possible when you post your photography on social media platforms. One of the main business goals of your social media accounts is to gain followers, likes, and appreciation from the viewers. You should use the best hashtags along with relevant ads to describe what you are selling or offering.

10. Hashtags Specify Your Niche

In most cases, buyers have a certain mindset. You can use the best hashtags to promote your properties that suit their requirements, regardless of whether they are looking for luxury homes, ranch-style properties, or vacation homes. For example, you may own an Italian restaurant in Mont-Royal. Using Hashtags like #italianrestaurant, #MontRoyalitalianrestaurant, #MontRoyalrestaurant, etc., you can specify the specific details of your niche, location, and specifics.  Recently, YouTube has launched an optimized landing page for users to discover niche content and videos.

11. Hashtags are a Powerful Marketing Tool

The most important thing is to make sure you know the hashtags that are most relevant to your business and clients in order to use them efficiently. The use of hashtags can help your business reach its full potential when using social media marketing online.


Increasingly, hashtags (#) are being used to facilitate digital interaction, bringing people from all over the world together under one idea. Though hashtags have cemented their popularity in the digital landscape, many people still do not understand what a hashtag is or how it can boost their business.

How to get the most of your ad budgets on social media?

How to get the most of your ad budgets on social media?


If you want to reach new, targeted audiences fast, social media advertising is a must. Organic reach is becoming increasingly difficult, whether you like it or not. It may be impossible to go viral without a little boost in the future. Putting real money on the table can be scary, especially when you have an organic social strategy in place. It is therefore important to be aware of all your options. As an expert in social media advertising services, we will discuss how to maximize your spend on social media ads through various types of advertising.

Types of social media ads

Ads for social media are the direct way to reach your target audience. Your social media marketing efforts can be centered on acquiring new customers or retargeting existing ones. Social networking service offers different types of advertising options to all users. But that does not mean you should use them all.

Choose Your Network Wisely

According to the experts in social media marketing services, if you want to know which networks your target audience prefers, you should also know which networks they use. How do you engage, concentrate, and reach your target group? Check out which ads for social media marketing are performing well for your brand organically and providing better pay per click options for driving traffics to your website. Let’s look at how each network advertises.

Facebook ads


There are three broad types of Facebook ads:

  1. Awareness: Promote brand awareness and increase organic reach.
  2. Consideration: Encourage web traffic, app installations, video views, lead generation, or Facebook Messenger communication.
  3. Conversion: Drive more traffic through your online app, increase sales and leads through your site or app.
Audience considerations

With 2.45 billion monthly active users, Facebook is popular across many demographics. Almost all teenagers use Facebook, and seniors are quickly catching up. For anyone looking to start advertising on social media, Facebook is a great place to start. Users can be directed to your Facebook Page or website by your ads. In addition, you can send them to an Instant Experience customized to their needs. The Facebook mobile app features a full-screen informational or interactive destination page.

Facebook ad types

Facebook offers eight types of ads to help you meet your objectives, and they are:

  1. Photo ads
  2. Videos ad
  3. Stories ad
  4. Carousel ads
  5. Slideshow ads
  6. Collection ads
  7. Messenger ads
  8. Playable ads

Instagram ads


Instagram is owned by Facebook. Therefore, it is not surprising that Instagram ads share the same three broad goals as Facebook ads:

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Conversion
Audience considerations

Millennials are the most popular users of Instagram. The platform is also popular among Generations Z, and X. Advertising on the platform can be targeted to your ideal audience with custom targeting options just like on Facebook. Defining the behaviors, activities, interests, and demographics of your audiences will help you create lookalike audiences.

Instagram ad types

Instagram ad types are also similar to four of the Facebook ad types:

  1. Photo
  2. Video
  3. Carousel
  4. Collection

Twitter ads


Three different business objectives are served by Twitter ads:

  1. Awareness: Reach as many people as possible with your advertisement.
  2. Consideration: In this category, you will find ways to increase video views, pre-roll views, app installations, web traffic, engagement, and followers.
  3. Conversion: Encourage users to take action on your app or website.
Audience considerations

In Twitter Ads campaign, approximately two-thirds of addressable audiences are men. Advertisers on Twitter have two options for creating Twitter ads:

  1. Twitter Promote automatically promotes Tweets for you. (Please note that this service is no longer available to new users).
  2. Twitter Ads campaigns allow you to create your own marketing plan based on your objectives.

Snapchat ads


There are three types of marketing objectives you can achieve with Snapchat ads:

  1. Awareness: Increase brand awareness, promote products and services, and drive traffic to your website and app.
  2. Consideration: Engage your visitors, increase app downloads, video views, and lead generation with your website or app.
  3. Conversions: Increase conversions on your website or sales through your catalog.
Audience considerations

Snapchat has 220 million users younger than 25 years old, making it overwhelmingly popular with youths. The app is used by nearly three-quarters of 18- to 24-year-olds. In contrast, 25% of adults 30- to 49-years-old participate in those activities. Snapchat ads provide you with access to about 60% of the female audience.

Types of Snapchat ads

In order to help you reach your objectives, Snapchat offers six types of ads:

  1. Snap ads
  2. Story ads
  3. Collection ads
  4. Filters
  5. Lenses
  6. Commercials

LinkedIn ads


You can use LinkedIn ads for three types of marketing objectives:

  1. Awareness: Make your brand or company more well-known.
  2. Consideration: Engage website visitors, increase video views, or drive website traffic.
  3. Conversions: Convert website visitors into leads.
Audience considerations

Compared with the other social media networks in this post, LinkedIn is much more business-oriented. You can target people based on their professional qualifications, such as job title and seniority.

Types of LinkedIn ads

These are the four types of ads you can run on LinkedIn to accomplish your goals:

  1. Sponsored Content
  2. Sponsored InMail
  3. Text Ads
  4. Dynamic Ads

Pinterest ads


The following six business goals can be achieved by Pinterest ads:

  1. Build brand awareness
  2. Drive traffic to your website
  3. Drive app installs
  4. Drive traffic to specific products
  5. Encourage specific actions on your website
  6. Drive video impressions and increase your video reach
Audience considerations

The number of female users on Pinterest is significantly higher than that of male users.

Types of Pinterest ads

You have a couple of options for promoting your Pinterest ads.

  1. Pinterest Ads Manager
  2. Promote Button

YouTube ads


Ads on YouTube can help you accomplish the following business objectives:

  1. Collect leads
  2. Drive website traffic
  3. Increase product and improve brand consideration
  4. Build brand awareness and extend your reach
Audience considerations

The majority of YouTube users are male, and the users are well-distributed among age groups up to 65.

Types of YouTube ads

YouTube offers several different types of video ads. As YouTube is owned by Google, you will need a Google Ads account to create YouTube ads.

  1. Skippable in-stream ads
  2. Non-Skippable YouTube ads
  3. Video discovery ads
  4. Bumper Ads
  5. Outstream ads
  6. Masthead ads


Tools like Google Analytics and Hootsuite Impact allow you to measure results across multiple networks at the same time. An excellent way to track social media results and look for great content to promote with social ads is to create a social media report.

How to Create a Social Media Strategy for Your Business in 10 Steps

How to Create a Social Media Strategy

The executive chairman of, Jeff Bezos, has rightly said, ““If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends.”

Bang on! What is a business going to do without a proper social media strategy? As an omnichannel data powerhouse, V12 says that 90% of the customers try to get associated with a brand or want to purchase its products or services through social media. Further, an effective marketing plan, including a powerful content strategy for social media, helps a business to:

  1. Achieve a sense of purpose
  2. Determine your business goal
  3. Define your target audience
  4. Achieve clarity regarding the key targets on a short-term basis

Yes, we know that the planning part is extensive. However, by following an easy step-by-step guide, and setting up some short-term measurable goals, you can propel your business towards success. So, read on as we discuss how to create a social media strategy or the document outlining the social media goals for your business in 10 steps.

1. Have you heard of S.M.A.R.T goals?

So, let’s start with the first step, and that is setting S.M.A.R.T social media goals that agree with the objectives of your business. How else are you going to measure the success/failure of your business and the return on investment?

Why you will use the S.M.A.R.T Goal Framework:

 By S.M.A.R.T goals, we refer to goals that are:

  1. Specific
  2. Measurable
  3. Attainable
  4. Relevant
  5. Time-bound

S.M.A.R.T goals will help you channelize your actions and yield visible business results. For example, many businesses collaborate with influencers and content creators on Instagram as a part of their social media content plan. Thus, they interact with the niche audience and attract the traffic they want.

2. Tracking Value Metrics:

 You can easily find and assess the quantitative metrics, such as the number of followers on social media. However, it is important to get an idea about the real values. These real values include engagement, click-through, and conversion rates. However, it is important to know which metrics are important for which network. For example, In the case of LinkedIn, one should go for click-through. On the other hand, you can use Instagram for brand awareness, and measure the success of a campaign on Facebook through cost-per-click.

3. Know Your Audience:

Do you know who your real audiences are? Unless you know them and have an idea about what they want to see, you will not be able to create an effective content plan for social media. In other words, if you know your audience, you can easily turn them into your customers. By knowing your customers, we mean having an idea about the following.

  1. Age
  2. Location/Geography
  3. Average income
  4. Job
  5. Interests and others

4. Gather Essential Data:

Social media marketing and social media content strategy cannot be based on assumptions. Those should be data-driven. You can use social media analytics and tools to find the relevant information you want. For, it is not wise to guess that users of a particular age group (say 18-35) are using a particular platform frequently. If you are planning to target that particular age group, you should have the data to focus on a definite social media platform.

5. Know who your competitors are and keep track of their social media activities:

It’s time for some competitive analysis. Well, this analysis can be performed using advanced tools to know who your competitors are. Besides, it will help you know where they are winning over you and where they are lagging behind. Further, it will help you explore various opportunities. For example, if your competitor has made its presence felt on Instagram, but absent on Facebook or Twitter, you can easily capitalize those channels to reach out to more consumers.

6. Go for Social Media Audit:

Have you been using social media for quite some time now? It’s time you measure and monitor your strategies/endeavors so far. You can ask yourself the questions, mentioned below.

  1. Which strategy is working, and which one is unable to yield any result?
  2. Are people engaging with you, and who are they?
  3. Which particular network is being used by your target audience?
  4. How is your social media presence doing in comparison to your competitors?

Once you have these required pieces of information, you can plan a further roadmap.

7. Find Inspiration:

We are not denying the fact that your brand is unique, and it needs to STAND OUT. However, it is also important to find inspirations, especially for creating copies for social media. In other words, you can always find ideas from other businesses that are doing great on social media. You can refer to case studies (easily found in Facebook), and the marketing strategies of your favorite brands on social media for your valuable insights.

8. Make a Social Media Content Calendar and Set Your Posting Schedule:

Create a social media calendar, mentioning the type of content and the date you will be posting it on any social medium. You can include all the content plans in your calendar, including blog posts, videos, links, images, and others. Along with your day-to-day posting plans, it should also include the social media campaigns of your business. Remember to space out the posts properly using a calendar to yield the maximum benefit.

9. Use the Right Content Mix:

While creating the social media content strategy, you should create the perfect mix of content you post on social media. There is a popular rule of thirds for creating the right content mix for your business. It says:

  1. 1/3rd of the content should inform and educate by sharing thoughts and ideas from industry experts and leaders
  2. 1/3rd of the content should promote your business
  3. And the remaining 1/3rd should be used for personal interactions.

10. Evaluate and Bring Changes if Needed:

However powerful your social media strategy may be, you cannot undermine the importance of evaluation. Be smart! Track the results and introduce changes in the areas that need improvement.


In this article, we have discussed how to create a social media strategy for your business in 10 easy steps.  It’s time you explore those and see how you can devise the most effective social media marketing plan. It’s a wrap until we come back with some other cool ideas for making your business a success in social media.

The Top 10 Types of Social Media Content that You Can Create

The Top 10 Types of Social Media Content that You Can Create


The success of your social media strategy depends entirely on the quality of the content you post on social media. However, producing high-quality, effective content is challenging for small businesses. This is a competitive, time-consuming process where you should aim to add value to your customer experience.  Content plan for social media usually includes a variety of content types in order to overcome these hurdles. By including different styles in your marketing strategy, you can create a more engaging experience for your audience.

The Top 10 Types of Social Media Content that You Can Create

Here, we have shortlisted the advantages of each style used by social media and content marketers as the content strategy for social media. Besides, we have discussed how to produce them, and the best social media platforms for them.

Written posts, blogs, articles, guides, and more


Your company’s expertise and knowledge can be demonstrated in written posts or articles, which can help you to build your credibility.  This can be used as a social media content strategy.

How to produce

You may find it useful to research trending searches when developing this social media content plan. By doing so, you’ll gain insight into the questions people ask, giving you ideas about the articles you must write.

Best platforms

It is ideal for long-form articles, like those that are at least 1,500 words, to use LinkedIn and Facebook. You can post a whole piece, a short snippet, or a link to the piece. Twitter is also a good bet, but it has a limited character count, so you can only post links or quotes, which can still drive traffic to your site.

Electronic books (eBooks)


A blog post doesn’t give as much detail as an eBook, so it helps showcase your expertise in your field. Additionally, ebooks are being produced by far fewer firms than blogs, so you don’t have to worry about heavy competition.

How to produce

Ebooks are basically collections of blog posts from the same category, compiled together as chapters. It is important to choose your best content or hire a professional writer who’s experienced with writing eBooks.

Best platforms

LinkedIn users join the site to network with colleagues and learn about their job or other interests, making it a good place to share eBooks. The second-best options are Facebook and Twitter.

Links to external content


In the case of a writer not being available for a blog post or if your writer is on vacation, you could link to relevant articles, resources, and websites from other reliable sources. Leaders in your industry can also provide excellent content ideas.

How to produce

You can find similar content on different blogs using the keywords you used on your website. You should read every post and browse the site, too. If you follow this guideline, you will avoid sharing articles on social media accounts from sites that might portray your brand negatively.

Best platforms

Any type of content can be marketed using LinkedIn and Facebook, even just providing the link of the content. In addition to LinkedIn and Facebook, you can also use Twitter.



It is much easier for users to consume visual content than long-form blogs and articles. There are many apps that let you edit photos, add filters to them, and more on your smartphone, as the camera on these devices is highly advanced.

How to produce

Images and pictures are among the easiest types of content to create. You only need your smartphone or camera to take the picture.

Best platforms

The best platforms for sharing images are Instagram and Pinterest, both of which work well with images. You can also use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Snapchat as alternative options. You can also improve engagement and click-throughs by adding images to blog posts and creating copies for social media.



Taking videos is easy and convenient, and they are more engaging than photographs. You can create videos that will drive traffic to your website and encourage sales with how-to guides, video tours, and product updates and demonstrations.

How to produce

 Producing video is difficult as well, just as it is with images. Depending on where you fall on that spectrum, you may need specialized skills and equipment.

Best platforms

Although YouTube is the king of video content, Facebook also has good performance in video content. Instagram is the best option for short videos, even above YouTube.

Video Stories


There are thousands of stories on Instagram every day, but they last for 24 hours and then disappear. You can also find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Keeping your users informed about upcoming events, special offers, or other announcements is a great way to keep them engaged. There are truly endless possibilities!

How to produce

In every app on the social network platform, you have the option of posting images or videos. A business can easily create them since high-quality production is not required.

Best platforms

Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook have popularized this content type and remain to be the most popular.

Live Videos


The use of live videos allows audiences that cannot physically attend events to still view them. You can watch live streaming after they end, unlike stories, which are removed after 24 hours.

How to produce

 Live content is readily accessible and convenient to users through social media platforms supporting live content. The preview allows you to see what your audience will see before you go live, so you can be sure everything looks good.

Best platforms

The most popular live streaming social media network is Facebook Live. Other smaller platforms, such as Periscope, may not have as large an audience, but may still be viable.



Using visuals, infographics illustrate written concepts, explanations, and statistics. When communicating complex ideas, they are especially effective.

How to produce

To create your infographics, you should first create an outline. After completing the outline, your writer and designer can start creating the components and piecing them together.

Best platforms

Both Facebook and LinkedIn are excellent options for infographics while Twitter can be your alternative choice.

Testimonials and reviews


Reviews and testimonials are incredibly valuable because people tend to trust other opinions of the customers more than companies own.

How to produce

Get in touch with past clients and ask for a testimonial. The practice of rewarding people for reviews is bad practice, however, since it can lead to dishonesty, and review sites such as Yelp may punish you for it.

Best platforms

Social media sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn are great places to post reviews and testimonials. On business pages, Facebook even provides star ratings.



By letting people know what’s new and noteworthy with your business, you can build hype and alert people to new products, projects, events, and live streams. Readers love getting the inside scoop on their favorite stores and brands!

How to produce

If possible, information should be slowly released. An announcement can be viewed as a series of teasers leading up to some big news.

Best platforms

Keeping in mind that each social network has its own best practices, announcements can be made on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or even through social messaging tools.


To make your brand stand out, save time, and enhance your customer experience, use the features of the social media platforms to weave these content types together. Be creative with your ideas, and don’t be afraid to experiment. Your unique audience will help you determine what types of content to provide. There’s no way to know what works until you try it!

How to choose the right brand colors for your business?

How to choose the right brand colors for your business


Colors can convey a lot of information, whether it’s the yellow helmet of a construction worker or a bride’s pristine gown. A color palette plays a crucial role in any business’s branding efforts because of its strength and immediate impact. From the look of your logo to the design of your website, you should choose the right color scheme for your brand. Using the same color consistently across all platforms allows you to create a unified look and feel for your company, making it memorable and recognizable.

What are brand colors?

Brand colors are defined as a group of five to ten colors that represent a certain organization. It is possible to increase brand awareness and recognition by applying brand colors consistently and strategically.  In addition to a company’s logo and website, brand colors are also used in social media channels, business cards, and print and digital advertisements. In brick-and-mortar businesses, the brand colors can also be applied to the design of the store, staff uniforms, product packaging, and more. Now, the question is how to pick the right brand colors for your business.

How to choose your brand colors?

Choosing the perfect brand colors is very much important for your business. This comprehensive guide will cover everything through a step-by-step process to choose the right color for your brand.

Establish your brand identity

Brand identity is reflected in your brand colors. Therefore, your color palette should match your values and the messaging you wish to convey. Identifying your brand identity will be the first step in this process. The best way to do this is to compose a list of adjectives that describe the character of your company just like you would describe a person. You should consider how you would like your brand to be perceived, and what makes it unique.

Explore the meaning of the colors

After identifying your brand personality, it’s time to choose the colors that will bring it to life. To understand the meaning of each color, it is important to look into the principles of color psychology. Combinations of colors also play an important role here, as they contribute to achieving a look that evokes specific feelings through their juxtaposition. For example, the color blue, when it is paired with gold, conjures up notions of royalty and luxury, whereas the same blue paired with pink seems much more playful.

List of Some Popular Brand Colors Used by Some Key Industries

Here, we have compiled a list of popular brand colors used by some key industries that will help you to pick a color palette that is appropriate for your business:


Colors such as red, orange, and yellow evoke appetite and attract attention for food and restaurant businesses. Some food brands use green to promote connection with nutrition and wellbeing, while others use blue and pink for sweets and desserts.

Health and wellness:

Blue is a popular color choice for health and wellness companies to signify cleanliness, trustworthiness, and responsibility. Other popular choices are green, which represents nature and wholesomeness, and orange, which is associated with vitality and energy.

Fashion and beauty:

Black has become a symbol of sophistication and glamor within the fashion and beauty industries, while warm colors such as red, orange, and pink convey passion, excitement, and confidence.


It is common for tech companies to use blue, a color symbolizing trust, intelligence, and efficiency. Other popular choices are orange, which represents friendship and optimism, and purple, which represents quality and creativity.

Search for inspiration

You should look around for color inspiration before you craft your brand colors. Also, try to understand how your competitors’ palettes work, and what it is that makes them successful. You should consider what you can learn from their color scheme, and how you might differentiate yourself from the competition. Now, the question is how to pick a color palette for your brand? Online color palette generators are also a great source of inspiration where you can find a variety of color pairings and fascinating shades.

Pick your primary color

The primary color of your brand is defined by the color that is mostly associated with your brand. Your primary color should represent your business best based on the meaning of colors. The color you choose can be blended in many different ways, from lush and dark, to soft and pastel, to bright neon, to find the perfect look.

Choose your secondary colors

After you choose your primary color, you can match two to four complementary colors to it. You can either display these colors independently or together next to your primary color.

Different color schemes of secondary color

The secondary colors of a brand can go in several different directions:

Analogous color scheme:

Your primary color is closely related to these colors. As a result, if your primary color is bright red, you can add other warm colors (such as oranges and yellows) to create a balanced color scheme. The appearance of analogous color schemes is usually harmonious and pleasant.

Monochromatic color scheme:

Each one of these is a different shade or tint of your primary color. For example, if your primary color is blue, you can use light blue and dark blue as your secondary colors. It is possible to strengthen and enhance your core color through monochromatic color schemes.

Contrasting color schemes:

Contrasting color schemes can either be complementary shades or a combination of colors with contrasting hues. You can use this color scheme to make your brand colors pop, and it usually conveys a fun, modern feel.

Select neutral colors

At the time of crafting your brand color, it is easy to focus on the main colors and overlook the neutrals. But neutral colors are important because they are responsible for the majority of your communication (such as the color of your written text) and appear in the background of most of your assets. White or black is the traditional neutral color, usually combined with gray shades.

test your brand colors

As soon as you’ve chosen your colors, put them all together and test them in a few different combinations to ensure that they complement one another and convey the message you’re trying to convey. If you want to make your website accessible, you should also make sure that the palettes are clearly legible together. Color contrast can be tested for accessibility through various online resources and browser plugins. The two tools we recommend are the Contrast Checker and the Colour Contrast Analyser.


If you’re starting your own business or launching an exciting new startup, understanding the impact of color on consumer behavior will make your business successful.  Colors evoke feelings as well as emotions, plus they also convey information. This enables customers to form an initial impression without knowing anything about your product. So, pick a palette that aligns with your business.

Creating a Brand Identity? 10 Questions to Consider

Creating a Brand Identity


Whether your company is a brand new startup or an established one, creating or redefining your brand identity will be a big challenge. You must consider not only the obvious things like logo design and brand name but also your personality, culture, tone of voice, and your online and offline identities. Nowadays, brand identity is a key component of success. Many companies provide brand identity development services or work as an individual branding consultant or branding consultancy to teach you how to brand your company.

What is a Brand Identity, and Why do I Need One?

The brand identity you have is determined by how your audience perceives you. Your audience might not understand who you are if you do not have a comprehensive, well-defined brand identity. Without understanding who you are, they are unlikely to promote you.

Branding and Brand Identity are Different

There is a difference between brand identity and branding. It is a byproduct of effective branding. Although marketers sometimes mix up brand identity and visual identity, these two are not the same. Branding services provided by the brand designers will help you to stand out from the competition, target the right people, as well as communicate your message effectively.

Components of Brand Identity

The brand identity consists of:

  1. Visual Brand Identity
  2. Brand Voice
  3. Brand Values
  4. Brand Personality
  5. Brand Message

 Ten Questions to Consider

So, how can we get these five things right for brand identity designing services? You should ask yourself these ten questions.

Who is Your Ideal Customer?

A strong buyer persona profile or robust profiles of your ideal customer should be the first place to focus your efforts if your brand has not already done so. Almost every aspect of your brand identity should be shaped by buyer personas.

Point out what types of brands your buyer personas value

Determine what types of brands your buyer personas value. Do they want cost savings or the highest quality? Are they looking for deep relationships with their vendors or convenience? You can develop a relevant identity if you understand the pain points and priorities of the perfect buyer.

2. What Pain Points do You Solve?

Your customers do not search for your company because their lives are perfect. You probably provide a product or service that solves a certain problem. They might be worried about fines related to regulatory requirements since you provide compliance training. Your customers need you because they have a problem or a pain point.

3. What Kind of Personality Do You Have?

Brand personality can be defined as a set of characteristics that are associated with a brand. A brand with a strong, well-defined personality is immediately likable since customers can relate to it on a personal level.

4. What is Your Competition?

Competitive analysis can serve as a valuable starting point for any marketing strategy. The same is true for brand identity. Your competitors can teach you valuable branding lessons depending on your industry and level of competition.

What Will You Learn from Your Competitors?

Your competitors could be textbook examples of poorly defined brand identities. It is possible that their voice is inconsistent across digital mediums, or their logo is not original. Perhaps they have an excellent brand identity, one that is easily memorable, unique, and incredibly appealing. You should consider your competitors’ statuses as creative solutions for creating a brand identity that is objectively superior.

5. How Do You Make Your Clients Feel?

When your most satisfied new customers communicate with your sales team or account management team, what do they say? Your interactions with new, satisfied customers can reveal a wealth of information about how you make them feel. It is crucial to know which emotions your customers associate with your company when building a brand identity. You can use this emotion to select aspects of your visual identity, such as the optimal colors and fonts.

6. What Makes Your Company Different from Others?

What does your brand offer that your competitors cannot? But perhaps more importantly, how can your brand identity convey this?  It is important to keep in mind that simply being different is not sufficient. To create a difference, you need to actively carve a niche and focus on your strengths.

7. Why Do Your Clients Trust You?

By conducting customer interviews or talking to your sales team, you can learn why customers ultimately choose your company. Brand identity can be determined by the factors that lead to prospect trust and customer conversion rate. The unique trust factor of your company could be:

  1. Transparency
  2. Expertise
  3. Flexibility

You can use this trust factor to distinguish your brand from others and to build a memorable brand identity.

8. What is Your Story?

The brand story is one of the most important components of branding. Obviously, this includes both the literal history of your company, like when you were founded, and the role you play in your customers’ lives. Customer experience should make your brand’s story memorable. If you can make them more efficient at their work, their boss is sure to compliment them. They might benefit from your mortgage products if they intend to purchase a first home and begin a family. A story such as this can serve as an important basis for your brand identity and marketing content.

9. What are 5 Words that Describe Your Company?

In order to define your brand’s identity, you may develop a list of five adjectives that you think best to describe the personality, look, and voice of your company. Here are five words that might work:

  1. Quality
  2. Consistency
  3. Values
  4. Customer Service
  5. Commitment

 10. What is Wrong with Your Existing Brand Identity?

Your organization has an identity, regardless of whether or not it has defined one in the past. In some form, you have an identity, regardless of how cohesive or well-defined it is. If you are considering a rebranding or brand definition project for your organization, it is important to consider why you are starting this effort. Are you struggling to create a brand that can compete with your competitors? Do you consider it to be a poor fit for who you are? Has your work culture changed significantly since you hired a new leader or ownership team?

Importance of Brand identity Design Services

You can make significant improvements to your brand by discovering the reason why you need to define it. You can inspire the right change by applying this knowledge. Whether you need a logo design, sales brochure design, product catalog, or corporate presentation, brand identity design services will help you to increase your business reach among your target customers.


There is no “fluffy” exercise that produces little measurable results in defining brand identity. Establishing a strong brand identity is critical to building loyal customers and retaining them, which can be an advantage in the competition. A brand’s identity is essential to success these days since everyone is looking at the brand image.

How to Choose a Domain Name?

How to Choose a Domain Name?


Your website’s success is heavily dependent on the choice of the domain name. If you pick the wrong domain name, later it will be difficult to switch them without harming your brand or search ranking. That’s why it’s critical that you choose the best domain name from the beginning of website designing.

A great domain name is important when you are just starting out to create a catchy business name. As an expert in website designing services, we’ll explain how to pick a creative domain name, as well as how to pick the perfect domain name and register your new domain for free.

Tips for Choosing the Best Domain Name

It can be stressful to choose a domain name when you start a blog because you don’t want to make a mistake. In order to help make the process easier, we have created a simple 10-step framework for choosing domains.

1. Stick with .com

There are dozens of new domain name extensions available today, from the original .com, .net and .org to niche extensions like .pizza, .photography, and even .blog. Choosing a domain name with a .com extension is always a good idea. Although new domain extensions may seem appealing, .com is still the most trustworthy and established website’s home address.

Build Credibility

We believe domain extensions such as .ninja, .photography, and other new extensions can lower the credibility of your business. Most people remember dot-com domains. Most users, from novice to tech-savvy, automatically type .com at the end of all domains without thinking about it.

2. Use Keywords in Your Domain Name Search

An important part of a domain is the use of keywords. By including keywords in your domain name, you tell the search engines what your website development is about. Keywords in your domain can assist you in ranking higher in Google if you provide quality content and good user experiences.  It’s hard to find a good domain with your target keywords that are not already taken. You should create your domain by combining keywords with other words to make it unique.

3. Keep Your Domain Name Short

Keywords are important but don’t go overboard with domain length. You should choose a domain name that is short and memorable. Our recommendation is that your domain name contains less than 15 characters. Your users may have difficulty remembering longer domains. In addition, longer domain names can also increase the likelihood of users entering typos, resulting in traffic losses. That’s why you should keep your domain length short.

4. Make Your Domain Name Easy to Pronounce and Spell

You should be able to easily share your domain name with others, whether you’re speaking or writing. You never know when someone will ask for your domain name. You should definitely create a domain name that is easy for anyone to understand and spell if you plan on using it for a business email address.

5. Keep it Unique and Brandable

The name of your blog should be unique so that you can stand out in the minds of your readers. You should find out what domain names other blogs in your niche are using and research them. It is not a good idea to accidentally misuse a trademark name or copy another blogger.


As an expert in website development services, we recommend you to pick a domain name that’s more easily brandable. A brandable domain name is unique, catchy, and memorable. For example, a name like “,” would be much more recognizable than “BuyBooksOnline.”

6. Avoid Hyphens in Domain Name

Hyphens should never be used in website domain names. The use of hyphens can be a sign of spam domains that you don’t want to be associated with. Similarly, hyphenated domains are prone to typos. Because the domain you want is already taken, if you choose a domain name with hyphens, your users are likely to end up at the competitor’s site if they forget to type in the hyphen.

7. Avoid Double Letters

You should avoid registering a domain name with doubled letters because this increases your chances of losing traffic to typos. As an example, a domain name like is prone to typos and will result in lost traffic.  Your domain should be easier to type and more recognizable if you avoid doubled letters.

8. Leave Room to Expand

Your domain name should be related to your industry/niche because it gives users an idea of what your website is about. Nonetheless, there shouldn’t be too much restriction on your long-term prospects. For example, a florist might choose a domain name like, but then decide to post blogs about other flowers besides orchids. It is possible that the domain might prevent attracting readers with an interest in other flowers. Changing the domain of your site can be frustrating, and it can also damage your search engine rankings if it isn’t done correctly. Therefore, picking a flexible domain name at the start of a project is crucial.

9. Research Your Domain Name

Do some researches before registering a domain name to ensure that there isn’t a business already using the same name. To find out if the same name or similar one has been trademarked, you need to do a trademark search. Additionally, you can perform a Google search to determine whether the name is available on top social media websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

It’s Important to Avoid Legal Hazards

There can be severe legal repercussions if your business name is similar or exactly the same as someone else’s, which may cost you a lot of money. When your website is running, you can learn how to trademark your website’s name and logo.

Use Domain Name Generators for Clever Ideas

Many people think all good domain names are already taken.  Domain name generators can help you find the perfect name quickly, and it will easier than manual research. You can use these free tools to discover hundreds of clever domain name ideas based on your defined keywords.

Challenging but Important

At first, deciding what domain name to use for your site may seem challenging. However, you will find that the process is surprisingly approachable if you do a little research and use the right tools.


All over the internet, domain names have a huge impact on click-through rate, from search engine results to social media results, to referring links, to type-in traffic, to brand-ability, and to offline advertising. It’s an undeniable fact that your domain name influences your brand and your marketing efforts. So you cannot ignore this.

How to choose your website template design?

How to choose your website template design


A business owner needs to choose the right template for website designing. The type of website you want to create, the features, customization options, budget, and experience you have on template editing are all factors to consider. The process of selecting a website template can be quite minimal and simple. In order to identify the steps necessary to choose the best website template, we compiled this guide.

How to Choose a Template

The following are some key factors to consider before selecting a template for your website:

Type of Website You Want to Create

A website template determines your website’s structure, functions, and appearance. Are you planning to build a simple single page website, or do you need several pages that include galleries, maps, and videos? While choosing the best website design template, you should consider your industry and niche. A creative template designed for photographers will not be suitable for an accounting firm and vice versa.

Type of Layout and Design Fits Your Needs

Website layout and design determine the structure of the information in the webpage. When it comes to choosing a website template, there are five key design and usability factors to consider:

Content width design

Nowadays, most website templates provide two types of content width: full-width and boxed width. When the background image stretches the full width of your computer screen, you have a full-width design.

Full-Width Layout

The full-width layout is very popular with mobile responsive templates and graphically rich websites. In general, they are considered to be more creative and modern.

Boxed Width Layout

In a boxed width layout, there is a visible frame between your content and the left and right sides of the screen. A layout like this is better suited for business-oriented websites since it conveys a sense of professionalism and tradition.

Header layout

The header is usually the first thing your visitors will notice while visiting your website. There are many types of header layouts, and they can range from a simple logo image and main navigation to headers with slideshows, videos, images, and text overlays. Making the right choice of the header depends more on purpose than the website design. It is crucial for your website’s header to convey your business’s core message to visitors.

Navigation bar design

The navigation of your website is the primary tool that guides your visitors. You should make sure your navigation bar is clean and simple, with an eye-pleasing background color. Pages should be laid out from left to right in order of importance, and they should only include those that are essential. Supporting pages should be added as drop-down menu items rather than appearing on the main menu.

Logo placement

The placement of your logo indicates a lot about the objectives of your business. Businesses that place their logo in the same line as their main navigation are more focused on their products and services and do not place much emphasis on branding. It is best suited for businesses serving the business-to-business (B2B) market.

Overall usability and user experience

One last thing you should consider is the overall user experience and usability of the website template. By keeping the above points in mind, your chosen website template should not only have an attractive design but also meet your requirements. In addition, it must be responsive, mobile-friendly, and SEO-optimized.

Features and Customization

A modern website template can be customized to blend in with your existing brand. To get creative templates, you can try the customization options, such as color selection, font selection, adding company logos, adding multimedia, and creating custom layouts.

Custom Layouts Should be Enhanced

When customizing a website template, keep in mind that the theme should be enhanced, not completely redesigned. You should carefully consider what features you need from your website template, and then eliminate all templates with features that you do not need and will not use.

Customer Support and Budget Considerations

It doesn’t matter how “easy to use” or “easy to update” a website template is, and it must be supported by a template developer who offers support in case you encounter any problems. You should select a template provider who has vast experience in website designing services and clearly offers customer support via:

  1. Phone
  2. Email
  3. Online chat

You can get your site uploaded and ready for viewing as quickly as possible. You should also consider the overall budget for the website development so that a perfect website can be designed at a minimal cost.

Types of Templates

You should consider two types of website templates for your business website: HTML templates and WordPress templates. Here’s an in-depth look at both.

Static Templates

Static website templates primarily use HTML and CSS to display the design and content of your website, and JavaScript to add additional features such as a slideshow or form validation. Static website templates are the best choice if you are absolutely certain you will not want to change or add anything new to your website or if you know how to code and make changes to your website. A static template is also a better option for website development if you don’t have the time or the resources to develop rich content for a business blog.

WordPress Templates

WordPress is actually a Content Management System (CMS). The database of a CMS such as WordPress contains all your data and is powered by PHP programming language and MySQL. Your website displays that data dynamically through HTML/CSS and Javascript. WordPress is a great option if you want to easily update your website whenever you like. WordPress makes even more sense if you plan on using content marketing to grow your business because it enables you to easily start a blog and grow your email list effortlessly.


When you create a website, web design templates and WordPress themes can save you time, money, and effort. There are numerous factors to consider when selecting the right template for your website, and we discussed many of them in this post.

It is best to choose a website developer, who can offer an attractive design, good usability, and all the features you need, and also vast experience in website development services. In this way, you can focus on website developing, rather than spending too much time on just making your website function.

What are Social Media Storyboards and what is their contribution?

What are Social Media Storyboards

Whether you like it or not, nowadays, content marketing is embracing the video culture of today and moving towards videos. According to a recent survey, 43% of people want to see more video content from marketers, and four times as many customers watch a video rather than read about it. Nowadays, so many people are connected through social media there is no doubt if you are a business entrepreneur, having a social media presence is a smart business move.

 Are you looking for ways to up your social media presence and attract more customers? If so, then you are in the right and proper place. Keep reading the article to learn how to storyboard your future social media campaign and attract your target audience. Social media storyboards ensure you deliver your message in the best possible way, like storyboarding your Instagram story.  It also saves your time in creating content for your page.

What is a Storyboard?

A storyboard is considered as a series of sketches that represent the individual shots plan for a video, film, or commercial. It contains directions for camera angle, lighting, and transition, along with dialogue and other notes. Just like all good writers start their articles or stories with outlines, good marketers begin their videos with storyboards. A social media storyboard can be worked as a great collaboration tool when working the social media influencers. You may ask social media influencers to provide an outline of the story’s content, or you may share storyboard templates for the content you are expecting.

The History of Storyboard

Before learning how to create a professional storyboard, it is important to know the history of the storyboard. The idea of a storyboard began in the 1930s when Webb Smith, the animator for Disney, came up with a unique idea to draw different scenes on a piece of paper and then attach them together on a bulletin. The same concept is also applied in social media.

How to storyboard your social media campaign

Here we will define how to storyboard social media campaign in four steps.

Pick a theme

The first thing you have to do is pick a theme that will define and suit your brand. You should decide which color and font will be appropriate to reflect your message as well as your brand. For example, picking an appropriate color and font makes your ig stories more attractive that can be used as a growth hacks technique to increase views. Also, keep in mind that this might change a bit once you get started, and that is ok as long as you have a starting point for your theme.

Start with Your Concept

Next thing, you want to pick your concept based on your end goal. But before it, you should ask yourself some basic questions:

  • Do you want to attract more customers?
  • Do you want to promote a new product?
  • What do you want the outcome to be?

By answering these questions, it will honestly help your storyboard process go smoothly.

Storyboarding Time

Once you have created your theme and you have a proper concept, you can start to write down your “scenes.” You can simply draw squares on blank paper and write down what will be in each square. You should think about all the options you have on social media while selecting the appropriate one.

Options to Explore

You have various options in your hand like images, videos, graphics, polls, etc. You should be specific on each square which of the social media options you will be using. After choosing your main visual, you should write down a brief description of what is happening in this frame. Once you have everything in each of your square boxes, you can add any extras if you want. Nowadays, you have a plethora of extras like hashtags, geotags, stickers, etc.


This is the last piece of your storyboard. You should include a clear call to action. This call-to-action should be based on your end goal. How to reach your audience? Do you want your audience to visit your webpage, buy now, swipe up? You should inform them no matter how obvious it might seem. Social media insights help the marketer to intimately understand the people they’re communicating

Storyboarding is a Form of Communication

When it comes to video or film productions, people often look at directors as geniuses that envision everything. But the thing they don’t realize how much directors rely on their team. Storyboarding team is the most important part of that team. Being responsible for making a piece of work come alive, directors work out their ideas onto paper with the storyboard team in order to see how it will work.

Storyboard Artists Help the Entire Production Process

Similar to the directors, the writers of the production hugely depend on the storyboard team. Nowadays, video production companies also realize the importance of storyboard artists and their contributions. When people draw new ideas, a lot of unknown obstacles will come. Finding these unknown obstacles will help to complete everything. In video production, storyboard artists simply play the role of great communicators.

Can Videos and Films Survive Without Storyboards?

When people think about storyboarding, they often think only of pictures, but it is much more than that. Storyboarding helps to effectively create the blueprints of a complex video or film. Now the question must arrive, do you really need storyboards to make a video or film? To answer that question, it might be good to ask, can the company survive without email? It may be possible, but the overall efficiency would drop significantly. Proper video production companies use storyboards in their films to run the overall production smoother, cleaner, and to provide much better results.


As you can see, creating a storyboard is not so complicated and can be a lot of fun. The more you do, it will become much easier. Now it’s time to apply everything you learned and start storyboarding your social media campaign. In case you cannot do it on your own, there is always an expert there to help you out!

Website vs. Social Media: What Should Your Business Opt for?

Website vs. Social Media

Nowadays, social media is the main platform for communication and conversation between brands and their audiences. Then how relevant are websites in 2021? One of the biggest debates that happen within the marketing team is where they would put their efforts.

 Is it on the company’s website or their social media channels to generate more conversion rates? Which channel guarantees the greatest return on investment to grow the company faster? In this article, we will analyze the importance of both and find out which one is the clear winner.

Website vs. Social Media

While discussing the website vs. social media, one thing is clear; neither should be overlooked nor neglected to pertain to your business strategy. We will define ten key points to consider, five points for the website and five points for social media.

  • Website: Your Company’s Go to Digital Space

While debating about the role of your website in lead generation efforts, keep the following five important points in mind.

  • A Website Helps Your Company Get Found Online

This is one of the most important points to remember that a website is a way your company gets found online with the help of website’s conversion rate. According to a recent study, 90% of people use the internet to find local businesses. If you don’t have a website or properly maintain it, you may miss out on the critical opportunities to be found.

  • Websites Can Help Your Online Presence Grow with Proper SEO Strategy

When you have a website, it means your business utilizes a search engine optimization or SEO strategy to grow its online presence. As per the statistics, 53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search, so if businesses double down on their SEO and other organic search strategies, they will experience incredible growth in their website lead generation efforts.

  • A Website promotes Your Services in the Digital Platform

This is another crucial aspect of a website to promote your services in the digital space. According to statistics, more than 1.79 billion people used online shopping last year that signifies there were 1.79 billion people who could have found your website and looked at your service. There is no doubt that the internet is an incredibly powerful tool for lead generation. So, your services need to be outlined and promoted properly on your website.

  • Landing Page Promotes Services and Boosts Conversions

One of the most effective ways to promote your services is to have a landing page on your website. A landing page provides an opportunity for your customers to land after they click on a link, whether it’s from a marketing campaign or an organic search. Your landing page should describe all the services you’re providing and how these services solve your consumer’s problem. A well-designed landing page is essential for transforming traffic into conversion.

  • A Website is a Crucial Part of Sales Funnel

Website plays a crucial role in your sales funnel. Your website guides people from the top of the sales funnel where they learn about your business and services to the end of your sales funnel, where these people will convert and become customers. Your website also serves as a great automation tool for your business. It’s the place where leads can learn about your services or your brands 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days per year. You can automate parts of your sales process with the help of installing a 24X7 live chat feature.

  • A Website Helps Your Company to Establish Credibility

Credibility means a lot of things to consumers in today’s digital-first landscape. If a business looks credible online, their website visitors are more likely to trust them and turn into their valuable customers. According to a recent survey, 81% of consumers said that they need to be able to trust a brand to buy from them. By establishing credibility through your website, you will be able to build trust with your audience.

  • A Website Provides Key Data for Your Company

While debating on website vs. social media, always remember that a website provides important data for your web, sales, and marketing teams. According to a recent study, 64% of marketing executives strongly agree that data-driven marketing is essential to success in a hypercompetitive global economy.

  • Social Media: Where Your Brand Shines

While debating about the role of social media in social media lead generation efforts, keep the following five important points in mind.

  • Social Media Helps You Connect with Your Audience

While discussing website vs. social media in lead generation, something vital to consider is that social media helps companies connect with their audience on a personal level. Digital Information World reports that internet users are now spending more than 142 minutes per day on social networking and messaging platforms.

  • Social Media is Where You Build Your Brand

Social media is an important channel that can be used to build your company’s brand. The more audiences are connected with your brand, the more likely they will become your valuable customers and brand advocates. You can build your brand on social media with the help of social media ads.

  • Social Media Helps You to Share Your Content

Social media users like to consume content in various ways on different platforms, so always keep in mind social media helps you to share your content with the messes. It actually increases your company’s status as an industry leader. The more you share, the more you enhance your gravitas that can help to influence people to keep following you to obtain valuable information.

  • Social Media Allows You to Reach New Audiences

Social media allows you to reach new audiences in ways you can’t solely through your website. Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow you to use the hashtags option to follow specific topics. If you post any content on these platforms using hashtags, your content will be seen by people who follow those hashtags. This can be used as social media growth hacks technique.

  • Social Media Encourages Interaction with Your Brand

Social media platforms encourage interaction and engagement between brands and audiences. Always remember that every like, comment, or share option is a validation that your brand is worth engaging with, and it will help your social media growth. Basically, it’s a form of social proof that everyone on social platforms can see. The more you engage on social media platforms, the more your brand will be noticed.


While debating on website vs. social media and which is better for your company, it can be concluded when paired together, your website and social media channels are complementary parts of the same well-oiled machine, and both can be used for lead generation hacks strategies. They have the same goal to get your brand out to the world and convert potential leads to your valuable customers. Both website and social media strategy are the fundamental pillars in your lead generation and growth strategies.

10 Social Media FAQs You must Know

Social Media FAQs You must Know

If you have just started to promote your brands on the social media platform, you probably have lots of questions in your mind. Social media marketing is more than just creating a social account and posting updates once in a while. It is actually a digital tool to broadcast your company updates.

You should take a strategic approach to make social media marketing successful. In this guide, we will cover the 10 social media Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that you should ask yourself before driving into social media. Whether you are a beginner to social media or you have been using it for a while, answer these key questions, and it will help to guide your social media efforts towards success.

Who is my audience?

Before starting your social media efforts, it is important to take time to understand your audience. All successful businesses are based upon their ability to meet the needs of their audience, and social media marketing is no different. It is very crucial to understand the people you are interacting with, from their psychological behavior to their demographics that will help to relate with them directly. You should develop a strong customer relationship that will help to clarify all the demographic questions about your audience, like their age, location, challenges, dreams, hobbies, and many more.

Which social media platforms do my audience use?

After identifying your audience, the next step is to determine which social media platforms they use and direct your efforts accordingly. You should map all the information to social media platforms. Most social media marketing efforts are focused on the trifecta of Facebook ads, Twitter ads, LinkedIn ads, Instagram ads. You should do your research properly to determine which platform is best to focus your social media efforts on to be successful.

What can I achieve from social media?

Your goals and objectives are the foundation of your strategy. It will guide every decision and tactic that comes next. Without having clear goals in your mind, you will not know how to measure your social media effectiveness. Creating goals helps to kick-start the process of collecting data, and tracking metrics, and it also ensures that your future content and marketing efforts are data-driven.

  • Identify the goals and objectives of social media

Goals are also important because they align your social media marketing strategy with your overreaching marketing objectives. Your social media marketing efforts should be an integral part of your overall digital marketing strategy. Your marketing goal should be as trackable and specific as possible. The more detailed your goal is, the easier it will be to achieve in a few months.

What is my social media budget?

In marketing, there are two resources: money to spend and man-hours to give. It is completely up to you how you want to allocate them.

  • Prepare the social media budget

There is a common misconception that social media is completely free. On the contrary, it is true that it is free to create an account on all the major platforms. But most offer premium services that may be worth considering. In addition, you might consider budgeting for some advertising campaign to extend the reach of your social media marketing.  It is a good idea to make a budget for social media ads if you want to make an impact on the social media platforms like Facebook, where organic growth has steadily inclined over the past few years.

How much time can I give on social media?

Time is another important factor in the social media equation. To achieve desired results and credibility, you have to be prepared to devote time regularly to create and promote content and engage with your audience.

  • Allotted time for social media

You should ask yourself how much of a time commitment can you afford for social media. Will you concentrate on just one social media platform or, do you really need some social media help? To create and maintain interest with your targeted audience, you need to post regularly to stay in front of your audience and keep growing.

What type of content should I create?

Your answer to the previous question surely influences the type of content you want to create for social media. You should ask yourself do you have time to write regularly for a blog. Would it be better to make a short video tutorial for YouTube or to communicate through a live stream broadcast? You also keep in mind the content that works based on your chosen platform.

  • Create appropriate type of content

Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest require high-quality visuals to stand out, whereas LinkedIn is better suited to industry news and long-form thought pieces. Quality and consistency are two important factors of every type of content you intend to create. You should always think about what you want your audience to know and how they feel after seeing your content.

What are my competitors doing on social media?

It is very much important to observe what your competitors are doing on social media platforms. Which social media platforms do they use? What type of content do they share? How does their audience respond to them? What are they doing really well? What are not they currently doing that you could do well? These are basic questions that you should know to compare your competitors’ social footprint and content against your own.

Who will be responsible for social media?

While developing your social media marketing strategy, it is important to clearly define roles and understand who will manage, monitor, and engage on each account. You may wish to take the full responsibility of handling and maintaining your social media account, but if you want to provide this task to someone, you should consider hiring a social media expert who will take all the responsibilities of a social media marketing job.

How will I monitor social media?

From a marketing perspective, social media monitoring will help you to determine the impact on your product, service, or brand, and if required, make adjustments according to your marketing or sales plan for like for like growth. There are many free and paid network monitoring tools available in the market to track the metrics relevant to your brand across the web.

How will I measure social media?

You should know how to achieve your social media goals. To determine how effective your social media marketing efforts are, you will need to measure your results. Understand and track the metrics that matter to the core of the business and bottom line. Social media metrics should be always tied to your overall business goals. You can use built-in tools to track and measure your progress.


Social media can be a powerful tool for any business organization. It can increase your visibility, establish two-way communication with customers, enhance customer relationships, provide a forum for feedback, and improve the awareness and reputation of your company. If you have clear knowledge about the above FAQs, you will be able to build a successful social marketing plan that can be considered as social media growth hacks for your business.

8 LinkedIn Growth Hacks For Business

8 LinkedIn Growth Hacks For Business

Viral posts are an integral part of your growth hacking strategy. If you want people to notice you, then you have to be seen. What if I told you that your virality on the social media platform can be measured and that knowing LinkedIn growth hacking is quite essential? LinkedIn is a great place to attract business entrepreneurs who are serious about their business. Nearly every professional on this planet has a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn actually offers an ideal platform for marketing B2B products and services because of its large user base.

In this guide, we will define how to optimize your post for maximum exposure. We will also provide you with relevant knowledge on streamlining it with your lead generation efforts. You should start measuring what you do to find out if it works. Marketing strategy and LinkedIn user growth hacking strategy both are data-dependent. You can’t do anything to separate them, so that it’s time to look at the data that we have. LinkedIn growth hack can triple the size of your network, which will result in more engagement, conversions, and, most importantly, revenue.

Secret behind the LinkedIn Growth Hacks

Have you ever thought about what the secret behind LinkedIn growth is? I am sure most of you want to increase your network in LinkedIn but have not cracked the code yet.  We follow social media experts who are active on LinkedIn, but we don’t try to extract the secret behind their success. Well, I’ll share some growth hacks for LinkedIn so that you can crack the code.

  • Include Images in Posts

This might sound like a simple thing, but it is really important on LinkedIn specifically. It is proven that images increase engagement on social media platforms. On LinkedIn, research shows that including a photo in your profile increases views 11 times than the normal profile. Therefore, you should upload a header picture, profile picture, and add relevant images in your posts to maximize your profile’s viewability. However, only image posting is not enough and you have to identify who your audience is. Let’s deal with this point.

  • Cater to Your Audience

Do you know what your LinkedIn followers want, like, need, and will benefit from? Everyone’s network is different, but you can make some assumptions based on the data. You can easily generate quality leads by posting unique content that encourages clicks and helps your LinkedIn career growth. A premium or paid membership provides you a robust set of data on who is viewing your profile, reading your LinkedIn posts, and expressing interest in you.

  • Create a Group

One of the right steps to expand your LinkedIn network is to create a LinkedIn group. This will help to attract professionals who are interested in specific topics and provide you a platform for your posts. Another advantage of the LinkedIn group is the ability to share relevant information with people without needing them as connections to improve LinkedIn growth service. Creating a group is an amazing idea to blowing up your network in a quick and efficient manner.

  • Engage Your Employees

Engaging your employees on the LinkedIn platform will help you to show off your company’s culture and grow your network. Engaged employees also contribute to increasing your company’s revenue as well. When your employees are engaged in the LinkedIn platform, you greatly increase the reach of your LinkedIn posts. They will just add your business page as their current employer, and they’ll automatically start to follow your business page.

  • Connect with Customers

Satisfied customers are the assets of a company. LinkedIn developer tools provide you the opportunity to add a “Follow” button to your website. By clicking on this follow button, anybody can follow your LinkedIn business page. These customer connections are very likely to endorse you for your skill and share your posts with their circle. Adding the LinkedIn follow button to your business website will help you to cast a wider net to expand your network beyond just LinkedIn.

  • Share Videos

Sharing video content will help to increase online engagement, especially when used for marketing purposes. On LinkedIn, research shows sharing video content increase the conversion rate by 80 percent. Adding videos to your LinkedIn posts makes your profile more attractive for visitors and collects more views.

  • Track Your LinkedIn Analytics

How to know what any online campaign is doing? Data analytics are the only way to truly know what any online campaign is doing, and LinkedIn is no different. Though you cannot track your LinkedIn view through Google Analytics or Semrush, you can only track them through the site’s internal analytics. It is a great idea to export these metrics into your own spreadsheet or database and track them offline in conjunction with other social networking platforms and web traffic.

  • Start Conversation with Current Connections

There is no importance in building your network until you engage with your current connections. Engaging with your current network will help to allow you to view who is active and who may be fake. Fake social media followers can impact your brand’s image negatively. Actually, you are wasting your valuable marketing money for lower returns while engaging with click farms and other fake LinkedIn profiles. According to the Wall Street Journal, approximately 36% of internet users are completely fraudulent. Ad network traffic on sites is struggling with fraud click.

Some Other LinkedIn Growth Hack Techniques

Further, there are some other LinkedIn growth hack techniques. Let’s explore!

  • Connect LinkedIn to Your Blog

In WordPress, you can easily connect your account to LinkedIn in order to automatically share your posts with the help of the Jetpack plug-in. This is one of the key components of your online conversion rate optimization efforts to help lead potential customers deeper into your sales funnel. Lead generation is a vital aspect of LinkedIn, in case you are not paying attention. I will suggest you use the Jetpack plug-in to connect LinkedIn to your blog.

  • Create LinkedIn Showcase Pages

When your profile and company page is a resume, your showcase page is a LinkedIn portfolio. These pages will allow you to be creative and deeply focused on SEO-optimized topics. You should fill your showcase pages with valuable and relevant content that will draw interest from people searching through LinkedIn or other platforms they are connected to.  Always remember that LinkedIn is a predominantly desktop accessed website, therefore do not go for barebones; opt for media-rich visual and clickable content.


 LinkedIn is a great place to create your network with other professionals who could become your valuable business partners, clients, or even employees. Growing your network in LinkedIn will help to increase the LinkedIn follower growth and drive larger revenue for your company as it is a great platform for disseminating professional information to a B2B audience.

What Blogging does for your Website?

What Blogging does for your Website?

Is blogging a really necessary part of a business website? The first thing all business entrepreneurs discover when conducting search engine optimization research is blogging. Blogs consist of informal articles written to show thought leadership and expertise on a topic. Website blogs have gained a reputation for being a very useful tool in order to boost website SEO and improve search engine ranking.

It is Much Beyond Search Engine Optimization:

Although the purpose of a website blog is not just limited to SEO, they have a few other advantages to your business too. Some people would continue debating whether blogging is still relevant, especially with the use of social media as marketing platform. Therefore, it is important to understand what a blog does, why it helps, and why it should be an integral part of your website and online marketing strategy.

What is the Importance of a Blog and How can it Help?

We will define the main reasons why blogging for websites is an integral part of your online marketing strategy, regardless of whether you are a small or large business organization. Blogging for websites allows you to share relevant information about your business and its services, but it also allows you to share your opinions and thoughts on certain topics.

Drive Traffic to Your Website

A business blog gives you an opportunity to create relevant content for your website visitors. You can make all the informational posts related to the services you provide or the products you sell. This can be used as a marketing tactic to drive website traffic back to your website.

Blogs Work the Best When Disseminated through Social Media

You can share the posts on various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter as well as send out email newsletter campaigns. While sharing your blog posts on social media, you should attach a visually appealing image on your blog so that social media users will be attracted and more likely to engage and click through.

Attract the New Visitors

When you attract new visitors to your website, it creates a new opportunity to generate leads. You can use your Call-to-Action buttons for directing your website visitors through your website to keep them engaged on your website and guide them through their journey from awareness to purchase. Good CTA consists of finding out more, download, discounts, free offers, etc.

Blogs with Hyperlinks Make Navigation & Customer Experience Smooth

It is important to link your blogs to the relevant pages of your website so that visitors can easily visit the relevant pages by clicking on the link. This type of linking must be done with the help of anchor text that is relevant and uses some of your target keywords. For example, if you are discussing a specific type of service and providing tips, you can link the keywords back to the relevant page on your website. This will help the readers to discover what services you provide by simply clicking on it.

Increase Your SEO

Fresh content and linking are the important parts of SEO. If you create blog posts that discuss your business services and products while providing users with useful information, it can generate traffic and improve ranking with search engines.

Impact of Regular Blogging on Search Engine

You should be sure to use target keywords and topics that are relevant to your business. This will help the search engine crawlers to recognize your website blog that is in relation to a specific topic. Actually, creating content regularly informs search engines that your website is actively updated, and therefore, your website should be checked frequently to see what new content has surfaced.

Improve Brand Recognition

Well-written articles that readers find useful will help to demonstrate your business as an industry leader and improve your brand recognition. Posting blogs on relevant topics will help to improve your marketing strategy to promote the services you offer or the products you sell. You can also write all the relevant information regarding your company’s products or services in your company’s landing page content. It will help to build the trust of the customers in your services or brands.

Build Better Customer Relation

Well-written blogs can be a great way to improve the connection your business has with its customer. By visiting and reading your blogs, customers will know your business product or service from the comfort of their homes.

Comment Section in Blogs Makes Them More Interactive

As a source of quality information, it builds trust with the reader. You can include a comments section on your blog pages to improve engagement with the customers. This will enable the opportunity to ask questions they may have about a topic and will provide you a platform to directly communicate and clarify things for them. This sort of direct engagement with customers will improve your brand’s recognition and trust.

Blogs are Long-Term

When a blog is indexed in search engines, it stays there. Therefore, your blog can still gain traffic and generate leads weeks, months, even years after. Don’t look for instant leads and hundreds of views; you should give your blog time to generate interest. Blog topics that are timeless will constantly generate more views month after month, so you should make sure to write about the topics that you know will be of interest to your target audience.

Blogs Give Your Company a Voice

Blogging allows you to not only share information about your business and its services but also allows you to share your opinion and thoughts on certain topics. Blogging is a great way to create a personality for your company and it lends your business a more creditable approach. So, don’t be afraid to share your interests on your blogs, comments on timely new topics or market trends, or educate your readers on a particular topic. Always be sure to write blogs keeping your audience in mind.


Since the advent of blogs, the number of online journals has significantly increased worldwide. Private bloggers write down their own thoughts and share their ideas and experiences with their readers. Amateur and professional blog writers can develop guest blogging as the act of writing content for another company’s website.

Companies choose to develop their own company blog to increase their brand presence, position themselves as experts and retain customer loyalty. Successful blogs are authentic, unique, and focus on the target audience.

9 Growth Hacks For Facebook Business

9 Growth Hacks For Facebook Business

How’s your Facebook page performing? If you’re having trouble with your Facebook page, I will not blame you. With more than 2 billion monthly users, 65 million small business pages, and 4 million advertisers on its platform, Facebook is the biggest social media platform on the planet.

Getting the Facebook Page Back on Track:

Now the question is, how can you get your Facebook page back on track? You have to acquire some skills to make these platforms work for you. One of the most powerful and popular tools is Facebook’s ads platform which will target people based on their location, demographic, and profile information.

Facebook Ads: A Cost-Effective Solution:

Consumer research and ads that previously cost more money now can be done with a few tests with the help of growth hacking Facebook ads. This actually scales your million-dollar business with almost no marketing costs.

Anatomy of a Highly Engaging Facebook Post

The currency of Facebook marketing is the post, so you should know what makes up an engaging Facebook post. If you don’t know these basics, you may have trouble succeeding with Facebook advertising.

It has Evolved:

In the earlier days, we used social media platforms as the acquisition channel. We were impatient and used it as a place where we updated our users about our development, asked them to test our app, and answered our surveys. But nowadays, the scenario is totally changed. You should consider your Facebook page as your audience, not your business. The moment you stopped posting about yourself and just focused on your audiences and the kind of content they like, the popularity of your Facebook page will automatically increase.

9 Growth Hacks for Facebook Business

The following 9 Facebook growth hacks for Facebook business help to instantly improve your small business reach:

Upload Your Correct NAP on the Facebook Page

NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone Number. If you forgot to list your business online, then you should submit your NAP to the directory of your Facebook page. You should make sure that all numbers, spellings, and abbreviations are correct.

Use Long-Tail Keywords in Your Posts

Long-tail keywords help to refer to longer, more specific terms people use to find information. Actually, it is familiar with SEO tools. To get bound by the customers you want, you will have to make your Facebook page more relevant to what they are looking for. You should be focused on what your customers are searching for and the words they use while searching. And then, model your Facebook page and content after that.

Finding the Perfect Match:

A long-tail keyword will not only increase your rank but also ensure that your audience is extremely focused and is a perfect match for your business. This will boost up the conversion rates and engagement that will help to increase the popularity of your Facebook page.

Put Keywords in Strategic Places

You should put exact keywords in strategic places that hold the most relevance for search. You should put your brand’s name in the Page title. You can also use the About Section area to provide your page description on Google. Your posts should be pretty clear as your posts matter.

Link Your Facebook Page to Other Channels

The easiest way to get backlinks for your page is to link your Facebook pages to other channels like your official website, Twitter account, Youtube channel. It will help to promote your Facebook page with a higher rank for the searched items.

Add Reviews

Positive reviews help to boost credibility, trust, and sales. According to a recent survey, 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and consumers go through an average of 7 reviews before trusting a business. The same survey also reveals 68% of consumers have provided a local business review when asked. So you should start prioritizing reviews that will help to increase the appearance of your page in search results on Google and Facebook. This could be used as a Facebook page growth hacks technique.

Add More Visual Content

We learn better from visual content as it sticks in our memory. You should use original images in your cover photo as it is the first thing your page visitor will notice. Try not to use stock images and always select the images that are in line with your company and its value. Let the visitor know what you are from the beginning. You should also use images in your every post. According to a recent survey, posts with images have 2.3 times more engagement than those without. It is the easiest way to increase the share-ability of your posts.

Publish More Videos

If a picture tells a thousand words, then a video is a thousand times better. Facebook users watch over 8 million videos daily. This is why Facebook’s algorithm now prioritizes videos over other types of content. As a result, your published videos will help to have a 135% greater organic reach than your photo posts.

Go Live

Facebook live videos perform better than them all. Facebook live videos will help to increase your audience as Facebook live videos connect you with your audience to build a strong customer base. According to Facebook, people watch live videos 3 times longer than regular videos, and they comment 10 times more in a live video. This is very useful for Facebook group growth hacks.

Get Your Post Timing Right

It is very important to choose the right time to publish a post as your audience will not be waiting for your next update. They have their own lives. There are lots of recommendations for the best time to publish a Facebook post. But to know the best time to publish a Facebook post, you should go to your Facebook page and click on the insights and then click on posts. A detailed data will be presented in front of you to understand when your content does best and publish at those times.


Nowadays, internet marketers agree on the point that Facebook is the star social networking platform for personal branding and business tool for many users. All in all, having a successful Facebook account could be easy if you put your time and effort into using Facebook management tools to make your business growth easier and faster.